Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anchors away!

You can ask Terry, I've been hankering to anchor for some weeks now, and I've finally convinced Serge this is the night All goes well, and Serge even sets his fancy Isailor anchor alarm. These gizmos are only as good as the geezer workin 'em, and for some reason he sets it at 38 meters after paying out 45 meters of chain. So in the early part of the night the alarm goes off. "did you hear that? What was it?" He's snoring so first I have to wake him up. Up on deck he declares our relationship with the shore and the few other boats hasn't changed, but the wind has pushed us around 180 degrees. Ok fine, I declare our relationship may turn around 180 degrees if I don't get some sleep. What good is this stupid alarm anyways. Just after falling asleep again, the alarm goes off. This time Serge announces that yes, indeed, we are dragging our anchor. I envisage the claw dragging slowly through the sand. Ok, what now? Reset the anchor? Find a marina? After messing with the iPad he discovers his mistake. Once you've lost faith in your anchor holding, it's VERY DIFFICULT to get it back and fall asleep. But eventually we do, for a few hours anyways. We got up at 6 am, the sun doesn't until after 8. We're on our way at7:20 an hour before sunrise. It starts out pretty calm, but gets pretty rolly and windy pretty soon. 2 meter waves on the beam, (that's 6-8 feet for you Americans) and steady winds at 20 knots, we were flying at 8-10 knots. We arrived at Santa Eulalia on the island of Ibiza, just north of the town of Evissa. It's a beautiful, craggy approach, and we actually have some footage of the sail which we will upload when we get a better connection, and can figure out how to get it from the camera to the iPad.

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